Product specifications

6 Samsung Electronics
2. General Overview
2-1 Features of the System
EHS(Eco Heating System) considers the trend in air conditioner use. It optimizes the
energy efficiency of loads ranging from partial to full. It achieves an excellent energy
effect for the users of the air conditioner.
Samsung patented compressor
Samsung has been researching and developing compressors since the 70's.
It has developed power saving compressors for more than thirty years.
The EHS(Eco Heating System) compressor adopts a double-rotor BLDC compressor with permanent magnets made by Samsung.
Electricity for the compressor rotor is obtained from a neodium-iron-boron permanent magnetic material (boron magnet can attract iron
material weighing 1000 times its own weight.) It strengthens the rotary moment of the compressor to maximize the entire efficiency of the
BLDC electricity
“Permanent magnet,” strong magnetic rotor
Double rotor compression cylinder
Nd-Fe-B Neodium-Iron-Boron magnet
SAMSUNG's double-rotor compressor has the upper and lower rotors designed symmetrically.
The double rotor in symmetry can remove vibrations caused by the eccentric design of the cylinder.
2 rotors balancing the rotary moment
Centered symmetry
Upper rotor
Permanent magnet rotor
Lower cylinder
Upper cylinder
Lower rotor
High efficiency heat exchanger
EHS(Eco Heating System) uses new multiple-teeth screw pipes with a diameter of 8 mm to improve the heat exchangeability of the pipe by
The water-friendly aluminum foil in the heat exchanger uses the G-fin patent design to improve the efficiency of heat exchange by 13%.
DC fan electricity
The EHS(Eco Heating System) outdoor machine uses DC fan electricity. The rotational speed of electricity is 100 RPM to 1050 RPM with
step-free control. The electrical efficiency is improved by about 33% compared to AC electricity.
Multiple-teeth screw pipes
General screw pipes
RC160MHXGA_SM_E_34513A(1)_1~3.indd 6 