User manual

Chapter 1 Starting to Use Samsung Drive Manager
Samsung Drive Manager User Manual v2.0
Using Samsung Drive Manager Safely
It is advised that you understand your system environment
and make appropriate preparations before using Samsung
Drive Manager. If your system has not been cleaned (with
unnecessary files removed, the hard disk checked, and the disk
defragmented) for some time, take the following measures
before using Samsung Drive Manager.
If system issues (an error message displayed during booting,
system failure, etc.) are experienced, use an appropriate
program to address such issues before using Samsung Drive
Manager. If your system is not affected by serious issues, check
the hard disk, cleanup unnecessary files, and use the disk
defragmenter to optimize your system before using Samsung
Drive Manager.
Important: Read the manual provided with
your Samsung External Hard Drive
before use.
Important: Invalid operations or unexpected
system errors may cause a data loss on a
external hard drive. Please backup the
important data.