User manual

128 English
Cooking Smart
Cooking Smart
Food Serving size Ingredients
24 Yogurt Chicken 500-600 g Chicken - 500 g, Yogurt - 1 cup, Finely chopped
mint leaves - 1 tbsp., Corn our - 1 tbsp.(mix
in 2 tbsp. water), Oil - 2 tbsp., Chopped onion
- 1 ea, Chopped green chilli – 2-3, Chopped
ginger - 1 tbsp., Garam Masala - 1 tbsp., Dried
fenugreek leaves - 1 tbsp., Salt as per your
taste, Chopped coriander - 1 tbsp.
In microwave safe glass bowl add oil, onion, green chilli, ginger
& chicken, mix it well and cook. When beep, add all other
cup of water. Cover it and press start. Sprinkle
chopped mint and coriander leaves. Serve hot.
A11 : All time favorite (Non-Veggie)
Food Serving size Ingredients
1 Chicken &
500-550 g Boneless chicken - 200 g (cut into bite size
pieces), Mushrooms quartered (cut into 4 pieces
each) - 200 g, Oil or butter - 2 tbsp., Maida
(our) - 2 tbsp., Salt - 1 tbsp., Pepper - 1 tbsp.,
Rum or sherry (optional) - 1 tbsp., Cream -
100 g (
cup), Water -
cup, some chopped
celery or coriander leaves for garnishing
In microwave safe plate butter, maida and cook. When beep, add
chicken, all other ingredients and press start. Sprinkle chopped
celery or coriander and serve hot.
2 Chicken a’la
550-600 g Boneless chicken - 500 g, French beans – 18-
20 (cut into 1 piece), Carrots - 2 (medium size,
cut into 1 piece), Sticky celery - 2 (chopped),
Capsicums - 2 (cut into
” pieces), Milk -
cup, Maida – 2 tbsp., Pepper - 1 tbsp.,
Mustard powder - 1 tbsp., Salt - 1 tbsp., Grated
cheese(Amul) - 4 tbsp.
In microwave safe glass bowl mix chicken, carrots, celery, French
beans, 2-3 tbsp. water, cover it and cook. When beep, add all
ingredients and press start. Add grated cheese.
Garnish with parsley or coriander.
MC35J8085PT_TL_DE68-04346F-00_EN.indd 128 2015-01-16  6:50:49