
important Warranty information
Regatdintj Television Format
Standard screen ku_mat televisions (4:3 the aspect ratio of the screen width to heisht) are
pmnari[y dcsigm, d to view standard [ormat f_dl-motion video. The images displayed on then1
shol:dd primaril) bc in the stan(tard 4:3 ratio [ormat an(t constantly moving. Displaying
stationary graphics and images on screen sL:tc'has the dark top and bottom lcttcrbox bars (_,'[de
screen pictures) shodd be [imiu'd to no more than 15% of the total television viewing per
Wide screen ku_mat televisions (16:9 the aspect ratio of the screen width to height) are
pmnarily (tesisnc(t to view wide screen [ormat fcdLmotion video. The images _tispla)cd on
them shoctl_t pmnarfl) be in the wi_k" screen 16:9 ratio fommL or cxpan&xt to fiH the screen if
yot:u_ model off_'rs this k'atuu_c find constantly moving. Displaying stationary graphics and
images on screen sl:Lch as the dark side-bars on non<'xpandcd standard fbmmt u,lcvision video
find prosrammin S shoudd bc lmfitcd to no more than 15% of the total television vk, win S per
AdditionaH}t viewing other stationary images find text s_Lch as stock market reports video
same _lisplays, station lo_os_ web sites or compl:Lter sraphics find pattcrns_ shouM be limited as
(h'scribcd above for all teh'visions. Dfspld),in_ _uV st_tfon_ll), im_us thdt uxucJ tl'a' al_ov_'
SufJt'lfm's ctln ctlusu unt'vt'n t_SfnS q[ gf turu tul_'s ((/RTs) their Iut_v_"stlbtlu, but purmtlnunt burm'_[-h_
_host imd_cs in thd t_'l_q'is_ol_ p_CtUld. TO _vOid thiS, vd_}; thd pTo_yc_nll_lin_ dn_t imdj¢_'s, cznJ pl_malilV
Jisplt_y _ull scrcun movfn S imt_sus, not stt_tf/_l_t_[yg_tturns/>r J_rl'¢ l_ars. On television models that
off_'r picu:uv sizin S [eat_:wcs_ l:_sc these controls to view tM" diff_'mnt [ormats as a fl:d[ screen
pitt uu_c.
Be carcfi:d in the selection and d_:_ration of television [ommts l:_sed [or viewing. Um'w'n CRT
aging as a resudt of fommt sck'ction and u_se as wcH as other buwm'd-in images is not covered
by y0_u _Sams_:m S hmiu'd warrant}t
English - 2