
Memorizing the Channems
7 3
_< _u_ TV ca_l memorize aad store all of the available chaam'ls fbr both "ofiLmr (ameaaa)
and cable channels. After the available channels arc memorized, _tsc the CH i and
Se|ecting the Video Signa|-source
Before volw tclevisio_l ca_l be£m mcmorizm£ the available cha_mcls _oLt mltst specify the
tvt_ _! c_fsiL_nalo' so_lrce" that is conncct_!d to the TV (ie an antenna or a ca )[e system).
Press the MENU buttoll.
Press the _ Or _" button to
Select '_ChaRRel'!,then press the
_£:v /,i
Move (_ Enter [[I] Return
P[ess the A OrT button to
sdect "Air/CATV!?
Press d_e _ 0r _ button to
Select !iAk'f {antenna), "STD::;
:'HRC'!, or ,IRU' {all cable TV},
Press d_e E×_Tbutton to exit.
_ _ove _1_ Ad'ust _ Return
Note: STE), HRC and IRC
identify various types of (:able TV
systems. Contact )our local cane
company to identily the type of
cane system flint exists it*your
pal qcular mea.
Englbh - 26