Operation Manual

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* [ ] Sea: For underwater pictures WITHOUT external flash accessory
at depths greater than 25ft/8m. Refer to page 24 for more
* [
] Snorkel: For underwater pictures WITHOUT external flash
accessory at depths less than 25ft/8m. See page 24 for more
* [
] ExtFlash Auto: For underwater pictures WITH external flash
accessory. Refer to page 22 for more information.
* [
] ExtFlash MNL: For underwater pictures WITH external flash
accessory. Refer to page 22 for more information.
* [
] Av: Aperture Priority mode. For land pictures. You can manually
set the aperture using the
SET button. The shutter speed will be
automatic depending on the aperture you select and the lighting
condition. This mode is intended for advanced photographers
familiar with the effects of changing the aperture.
* [
] Tv: Shutter Speed Priority mode. For land pictures. You can
manually set the shutter speed using the SET button. The
aperture will be automatic depending on the aperture you select
and the lighting condition. This mode is intended for advanced
photographers familiar with the effects of changing the aperture.
* [
] Sports: For land pictures of fast moving objects typcial in sporting
events. The camera uses a faster shutter speed to prevent motion
blur of a fast moving subject, like car racing.
* [
] Landscape: For land pictures of far away subjects like mountains
or buildings. The camera will set the flash off and focus to infinity.
* [
] Panorama: For a series of land pictures that can be stitched
together using an image editing software. If your computer does
not have image editing software, refer to the CD included with the
camera for more information.
* [
] Night Scene: For taking pictures of far away subjects at night. You
must use a tripod or rest the camera on a stable surface for night
scene pictures to avoid unsharp pictures.
* [ ] Fireworks: For land pictures of fireworks. It is helpful to use a
tripod or rest the camera on a stable surface for sharpest possible