Product Manual

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3. Deactivate the modules for which you do not require evaluation.
4. Press the
continue button.
Starting measurement 1. State whether the patient belongs to a group of people for whom a
bioimpedance measurement may not be performed.
Yes: the measurement is not performed. The weight/height tab is
active again.
No: the procedure continues. The dialog window for positioning the
patient appears.
Hazard to patient
Diseases can be transmitted by poor hygiene.
Ensure that the patient does not have any contagious diseases.
Ensure that the patient’s hands and feet are clean.
Ensure that the patient does not have any open wounds on the
palms of their hands or the soles of their feet.
Disinfect the electrode surfaces after every measurement.
Injury from falling
The device is not designed as a standing aid.
Assist persons with limited mobility when they are getting up, e.g.
from a wheelchair.
2. Ask the patient to position themselves on the device.
3. Ensure that the patient is standing on the device correctly.
foot electrode
foot electrode
Finger spacer