User's Manual

Since the first ultraviolet irradiation
system was used successfully in 1909,
ultraviolet irradiation has had a 94 year
performance history. Second Wind
uses the ultraviolet wavelength at
253.7nm, ultraviolet radiation lethal to
microorganisms. Second wind air
purifiers can reduce mold, bacterial, or
viral airborne microbes in all areas of a
Heating Ventilation and Air
Conditioning system (HVAC).
Second Wind air purifiers can also
address Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOC's), through the addition of
Singlet oxygen molecules (O1).
Singlet oxygen in this case is achieved
by the use of our high intensity
ultraviolet lamps There are two differ-
ent wavelengths of light that work to-
gether to produce singlet oxygen . Gas
contaminates are oxidized in a reaction
that takes place with the singlet oxy-
gen, changing the contaminates
molecular structure.
The Second Wind Purifier is the perfect choice for
small or large applications . Second Wind uses
ultraviolet germicidal light and singlet oxygen
process to disinfect mold, bacteria, infectious
disease, and decrease volatile organic compounds
in the air stream. Second Wind air purifiers are
designed for surface and air disinfection.
Features and Benefits
Available for all applications
Disinfects mold
Inexpensive to operate
Surface and Air Indoor Air Quality Control
Proven effectiveness through independent test
High intensity Ultraviolet Lamps
Singlet oxygen process to reduce VOC levels
Limited Lifetime Unit Warranty 1000KCS
Lifetime ballast warranty 1000KCS
3 year ballast warranty 1002KCS
1 year lamp warranty 1000KCS and 1002KCS
Over 9000 hours lamp expectancy
Electronic start power supply ranges from
120/277 VAC
Class II medical device #k980745
Registered with the EPA #73112