C-700 Brochure

The gap between still and motion image capture has narrowed considerably, and so has
lighting and the ability to control it. Now both still and motion shooters are faced with
the choices and challenges of conventional and emerging light sources. With the many
sophisticated and versatile cameras available today, a new generation of image capture
professionals has entered the  eld. New camera and lighting technology has helped the
way to media content that has never before been possible. New challenges, especially in
lighting and speci cally in color consistency have hindered the creative  ow of many studio
and on-location productions. Reproducing colors as they appear in the image has always
been the essential goal and dream in photography and cinematography since its inception.
Using color  lters and yesterday’s color measuring instruments, imaging shooters around
the world managed to control color in their images.
Today’s digital shooters remain unchanged in their desire to control color precisely, while
the diversity of lighting sources is ever-changing. With the popularity of LED lighting, the
need for a color meter that can measure it and all light sources has become critical to
ensure accurate color  delity.
The NEW Sekonic SpectroMaster C-700/C-700R is the  rst spectrometer that measures
every light source (LED, HMI, Fluorescent and the natural light spectrum) PLUS wireless
ash (C-700R only). In addition, with its CMOS linear sensor, the SpectroMaster C-700/C-
700R makes it possible to capture spikes in light source output, especially  uorescent and
LED lighting, providing unmatched color measurement accuracy.