Operation Manual

116 Working with Text
3. On the Fonts tab, hover over any font in the list. The selected text will
update to show how the font will appear in situ.
4. (Optional) Click on the font in the Fonts tab to assign the font to the
Changing common fonts
Changing one font for another is very simple for a single portion of text, but the
Fonts tab can take things a step further by allowing a font to be located
throughout the entire document (see above), and if necessary, swapped for
another font. It's simple to then re-assign a different font to the selected text.
To select (and change) a font throughout your document:
1. Right-click a font displayed in the Fonts tab.
If the font is used in your document, you'll see a "Select All n
Instance(s)" message (n is the number of times the font is used). If
there are no occurrences, you'll get a "Not currently used" message.