Operation Manual

178 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes
To draw a straight line (with the Straight Line Tool):
1. Choose the
Straight Line Tool from the Tools toolbar's Line
2. Click where you want the line to start, and drag to the end point. The
line appears immediately.
To constrain the angle of the straight line to 15° increments,
hold down the Shift key as you drag. (This is an easy way to
make exactly vertical or horizontal lines.)
3. To extend the line, position the cursor over one of its red end nodes.
The cursor changes to include a plus symbol. Click on the node and
drag to add a new line segment.
To draw one or more line segments (with the Pen Tool):
1. Choose the
Pen Tool from the Tools toolbar's Line flyout. On
the Curve context toolbar, three buttons let you select which kind of
segment to draw:
A Straight
segment is simply
a straight line connecting two
(Shortcut: Press 1)
A Bézier segment is curved,
displaying control handles for
precise adjustment.
(Shortcut: Press 2)