Operation Manual

200 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes
Designs are stored in categories such as Business, Education, Fun, Picture
frames, logos, and flashes.
The Gallery has two parts: an upper Categories drop-down menu and a lower
Designs window showing a list of thumbnails representing the designs in the
selected category. You can adopt a design by dragging the thumbnail onto the
The Gallery tab can store your own designs in the ready-to-go My Designs
categorythe design is made available in any PagePlus project. When you first
install PagePlus, the My Designs gallery will be empty, ready for custom
designs to be added to it. New categories can be created at any time.
To further arrange your designs into logical groupings, you can add sub-
categories to My Designs or to any other custom or pre-defined category.
Designs can be added to any pre-supplied category; the My
Designs category exists simply for ease of use when storing
your own custom designs.
To use a design from the Gallery:
Click its thumbnail in the design category and drag it out onto the
page. The Gallery retains a copy of the design until you expressly
delete it.