Operation Manual

44 Working with Pages
Check the box in the Locked column to prevent objects
on the layer from being selected/edited; uncheck to allow
To set the Selection handle color, click the color selection
button and choose a color from the palette (click More
Colors... for a wider choice). This helps identify which
objects belong to which layer.
Setting guides
Layout guides are visual guide lines that help you position layout elements.
They can include page margins, row and column guides, bleed area guides,
and ruler guides.
Page margin settings are fundamental to your layout,
and usually are among the first choices you'll make after
starting a publication from scratch. The page margins
are shown as a blue box which is actually four guide
linesfor top, bottom, left, and right—indicating the
underlying page margin settings. If you like, you can set
the margins to match your current printer settings.
You also have the option of setting up row and column
guides as an underlying layout aid. PagePlus represents
rows and columns on the page area with dashed blue
guide lines. Unlike the dashed gray frame margins and
columns, row and column guides don't control where
frame text flows. Rather, they serve as visual aids that
help you match the frame layout to the desired column
Bleed area guides assist you in positioning "bleed"
elements that you want to run to the edge of a trimmed
page. To allow for inaccuracies in the trimming process
in professional printing, it's a good idea to extend these
elements beyond the "trim edge"the dimensions
defined by your Page Setup. With bleed guides switched
on, the page border expands by a distance you specify,
and the trim edge is shown with dashed lines and little
"scissors" symbols. Note that these guide lines are just a