User`s guide

anywhere in the file, including the full path name of the file and document attribute fields (in
summary tab of Microsoft Office documents).
Type this To Search for this
Sharp and copier Documents that contain both “sharp” and “copier”.
Sharp copier
Documents that contain both “sharp” and “copier”. Note
that and is implied between words.
“sharp copier” Documents that contain the phrase “sharp copier”.
apple or pear Documents that contain either “apple” or “pear”.
apple near pear
Documents where “apple” occurs close to (within 5
words) of “pear”
apple not pear
Documents that contain “apple” but not “pear”
Note that the logical operators and, or, not, and near are reserved words used for more complex
queries. These words will not be found in any search, and their use must follow specific syntax
rules. If you use more than one operator, you should use parentheses to indicate precisely what
you want to search for. For example,
apple and pear or orange
could mean (“apple” and “pear”) or “orange”, or it
could mean “apple” and (“pear” or “orange”).
To find an exact string of words, create a phrase by enclosing the string by a pair of double
quotes (“ ”). When searching for phrases, it must be the only item in the “Search for” box.
If a phrase contains ignored words, Sharpdesk Search will skip the ignored word but notice its
location in the phrase. For example,
“statue of liberty”
will find any document containing the word “statue”, any intervening word, and the word
“liberty” in that exact sequence.
Punctuation inside a phrase is treated as a space.
Wildcards (* and ?)
Search queries may include the following special characters:
? Matches any single character.
* Matches any number of characters.
The wildcard characters can be in any position in a word. For example:
would match apple, application, etc.
would match principle, participle, etc.
would match apply and apple but not apples.
Sharpdesk User’s Guide 33
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