User`s guide

Examining the Results
The search results list shows you each file that contains the word or phase you entered to search.
It displays the name of the file and a hyperlink to its location:
Clicking the Location link opens the file in the application that originally created it.
TIF files are opened in Sharpdesk Imaging, allowing you to edit them.
To display additional file detail, click the Detail link next to the Sorted by drop-down.
The search results page redisplays showing you the following additional information:
Thumbnail of the file
File Type
Abstract taken from the file
File Size
Modified (last modified time)
If there are multiple matches that cannot be displayed on a single page, click Next link to view
the next page. To return to the previous page, click Previous link. To return to the Summary
view, click the Summary link next to the Sorted by drop-down.
Sharpdesk User’s Guide 35
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