Accounts Payable Brochure

Automate processes and
take control.
Businesses of all sizes, operating in a variety of industry
sectors, have to process and store huge amounts of
information; more than ever before.
Multiple benefits
As well as helping you eliminate ineiciencies from your
accounts payable department by automating manual
processes, you can also remove potential problems like lost
invoices, missing paperwork, late payment or non-compliance.
Plus, invoices that have been scanned and stored in the system
are safe and secure; your data is fully managed and invoices
can be accessed easily when required.
Optimal eiciency
Your accounts sta will no longer be weighed down by a
reliance on paper, which is costly to work with and to store.
Your suppliers will be reassured that they will be paid on time.
And because everything is stored electronically, queries can be
dealt with faster, building better supplier relationships.
Your accounts payable team will operate more eectively and
will feel more in control of its workload. This can help boost
sta morale as your department will be running smoothly and
making a maximum contribution to your business.
There is now increased pressure on critical business functions
to operate more eiciently and eectively. This is especially
true for your accounts payable department.
Eliminating ineicient processes,
by streamlining and automating
them, is a proven way of maximising
productivity. As part of our suite of
Optimised Soware Solutions, we’ve
developed a workflow solution that
makes processing invoices easy.
Invoices can be scanned and managed by a customised,
automated workflow that will keep everything on track.
Our Optimised Workflow Soware manages the whole
process by automatically checking invoices against purchase
orders and delivery notes, and removing error prone manual
comparison. Workflow triggers and alerts keep key users up-
to-date at every stage in the life of an invoice - from receipt,
through to approval and payment.
Build simple workflows for increased eiciencies.
Information extracted
from scanned invoice
e.g. PO number, invoice value
Errors flagged
for checking
e.g. blank fields
Invoice ready to be paid.
Accounts Payable notified
Invoice checked with relevant
purchase order & delivery note and
archived in the document
management solution
Invoice sent to approver
Scanned into
electronic format
authorises payment
Approver rejects payment.
Accounts Payable notified & follow up