
Reheating Chart
_ltem Startlng Microwave Time Procedure
(Chicken pieces, chops,
hamburgers, meat loaf
slices) MED.-HIGH (70%)
1 sewing Refrigerated 1-2 mine
2 sewings Refrigerated 2-4 min.
Cover loosely withplastic wrap,
Meat Slices
(Beef, ham, pork, turkey) MEDIUM (50%) Cover with gravy or wax paper.
I or more servings Room temp. I-1 3/4 rain,, per serving Checkafter3Osec.perserving.
Refrigerated 1 112-2 1/2 min_ per serving
Stlrrable Casseroles and
Main Dishes HIGH (100%) Cover with plastic wrap and stir
1 sewing Refrigerated 1 3/4-3 1/2 min. after half the time.
2 sew{rigs Refrigerated 3 3/4-5 mine
4_6 servings Refrigerated 6 1/2-7 1/2 mine
Nonstirrable Casseroles
and Main Dishes MEDIUM (50%) Cover with wax paper,
1 serving Refrigerated 4 1/2-7 1/2 rain,
2 servings Refrigerated 7 1/2-11 mln,.
4-6 servings Refrigerated 12-15 min.
Vegetables HIGH (t00%) Cover° Stir after half the time°
1 sewing Refrigerated 3/4q 1/4 min.
2 sewings Refrigerated 1 1/2-2 min,
Baked Potato HIGH (100%) Cut potato lengthwise and then
1 Refrigerated 1-2 112mine several times crosswise. Cover
2 Refrigerated 2 t/2-3 min,, with wax paper.
Pie HIGH (100%) Place on microwave_safe dish°
1 s_ice Refrigerated 30-45 sec. Do not cover.
2 slices Refrigerated 1-1 1/2 min.
After reheating, food should be very hot-165°Fo If possible, stir food, cover and allow to stand two to three minutes before
Fish and Seafood Cooking Chart
Cut Cooking Preparation Microwave Standing
Procedure Time
FILLETS Pie plate or casserole. MED-HIGH (70%) 3 rain,,
Cover with plastic wrap. 4-6 rain. per lb.
STEAKS Pie plate or casserole° MED-HIGH (70%) 3 mtn,,
Cover with plastic wrap., 5-7 min. per lb.
Turn over halfway
through cooking time.,
SHRIMP & SCALLOPS Pie plate or casseroIe_ MED-HIGH (70%) 1_2 min.
Cover with plastic wrap° 4-6 min,. per lb_
Turn over halfway
through cooking time..