Sharp Cloud Portal Office Brochure

Research firm Gartner has reported that most workers can
spend up to 30% of their time looking for information. That’s
ten or eleven hours of productivity lost every working week
by every single employee, caused by unstructured data and
documents being filed in highly distributed, isolated and
poorly indexed document storage systems.
Thanks to its advanced indexing capabilities, Cloud Portal
Office restores business-wide productivity by giving your entire
team the ability to organise, find, retrieve and share the latest
version of every document.
It starts with powerful indexing. When storing or scanning
documents you’ll be prompted to select a description from
a drop down menu, such as ‘invoice’, ‘purchase order’ or
‘customer name’. And, of course, you can configure up to five
custom index fields, and set them as optional or required.
Documents which are missing required index information
will be marked with a clear warning icon, prompting rapid
correction. And that’s where the built-in Document Viewer
comes in handy.
Document Viewer lets you preview a document in the
application window without downloading it. As well as visually
confirming the document version, you can quickly add or
correct indexing information.
With Cloud Portal Office there are never any doubts, there’s no
confusion and nothing is misplaced. Just instant, online access
to every document you need, wherever you happen to be and
however you prefer to work.
Wasted time is lost productivity /This is Why top performers
prefer Cloud Portal Office.
Reduced operational costs
Cloud Portal Office reduces operational costs, too. A greater
use of digital documents means less printing, less paper and
fewer filing cabinets, and because everything is stored securely
in the cloud you can eliminate off-site document archives and
expensive disaster recovery services.
What’s more, because Cloud Portal Office is provided as
‘Software as a Service’, there’s no need for any upfront
capital investment and no need to replace servers or buy
additional ones.
Cost Reduction