Sharp Cloud Portal Office Brochure

Easy file sharing
When there’s a need to share content with others, you can
give each person or group ‘read/write’ or ‘read only’ access.
You remain in control at all times and it’s easy to keep track of
what you’ve shared, with who, and what permissions you’ve set.
If you have files that are too large to email, simply use
Cloud Portal Office’s ‘Send Link’ feature - from the Cloud
Portal Office website or from your mobile device - to share
information with Cloud Portal Office users and external
Effortless control
As soon as you load the home page you’re in total control.
Various zones can be expanded or collapsed for convenient
access to your document and folders, those authored by your
colleagues, all documents that you’ve shared and any file that
needs indexing.
You can also keep track of links to files that you’ve sent to
third parties, and manage their expiry dates. With Cloud Portal
Office, sharing is easy.
Efficient teamwork and collaboration
Cloud Portal Office’s collaboration and notification features
ensure all groups or departments within an organisation’s
structure, communicate efficiently and effectively.
You can subscribe to file and folder notifications, for example,
so that you are always informed of the latest version of – or
change to – a document. You can also add your own notes
to files and folders to sign off projects, contribute new
information, and to make change requests. Notifications and
notes can also be used to create light document workflows for
use within specific departments or interoffice project groups.
Organisational Eff iciency
Inspiration can happen anywhere /This is Why
Cloud Portal Office goes with you everywhere.
Cloud Portal Office not only brings speed and efficiency to
document capture and archiving, but you can also synchronise
Cloud Portal Office to your desktop. This feature makes sure
that you will always be working on the most up to date version
of your documents even when you switch between your main
PC, your laptop and your home computer.