
Camera & Imaging
Editing Images
Make faces smiley, sad, etc.
1In Picture Editor menu, Face
Arrange S %
Face Arrange Menu
2Select type S %
. Editing is complete.
Change the default positions and sizes
of targets to fit the image.
1In Face Arrange menu, B
. A rectangle appears with + in the
upper left corner.
2g Move + to top left of
face S B
3g Move + to bottom right
of face
. Face line is set. Set the eyes and
then mouth in the same way.
5% S Yes S % S Save
here S %
. Image is saved as a new entry
with Face Arrange positions
adjusted. Complete Face
Arrange. Face Arrange is applied
to the adjusted positions.
Face Arrange
Important Face Arrange Usage Note
. When using Face Arrange, take care
not to create images that may
embarrass or offend others. Always
obtain permission before
photographing others.
Adjusting Positions