
Handy Extras
Household Accounts
Scan receipts with mobile camera to
enter date, expense items, fees/prices
and total amount automatically.
Scan may fail if receipt is too long,
folded, faded, etc.; some formats are
not supported.
1% S Tools S % S In PIM/
Life menu, Household
Accounts S %
Household Accounts Window
2Select scan receipt panel
S %
3Frame receipt on Display
Scan Window
. Frame date, expense items and
total amount. Align text parallel to
reference lines.
. To cancel, press A.
5% S Scan results appear
. To add, delete or edit expense
items, see P.11-14 "Entering
. Entry is saved.
[ Key Assignments in Scan Window
Managing Household Expenses
Saving Entries
Scanning Receipts
Totals Panel
Charts Panel
Manual Input Panel
Scan Receipt Panel
Opening Operation Guide
[Scan Window] A
, Press % to return to scan window.
Toggle Focus Mode 3
Focus Lock !
Adjust Brightness f
Open Help 0