
Handy Extras
Create QR Code
Create QR Codes from these items on
Large items are divided into multiple
QR Codes.
Follow these steps to create QR Codes
from Data Folder files:
1% S Tools S % S f
Doc./Rec. S Barcode/
Scan S %
2Create QR Code S %
3Data Folder S %
4Select folder S % S Select
file or entry S %
. QR Code is created.
. QR Code is saved to Data Folder
Creating QR Codes
Phone Book My Details
Text Input Ring SongsยทTones
Pictures Notepad
From Phone Book Entries
In 3, Phone Book S % S Select
entry S % S 5
From My Details
In 3, My Details S % S B S 5
From Entered Text
In 3, Text Input S % S Enter text S
% S 5
Switching Storage Media
In 5, B S Save to S % S Phone
or Memory Card S % S %
Attaching to E Mail
In 5, B S Send As Message S %
S Complete message S A
. QR Code creation is not affected by
incoming calls. End the call to return.