
Handy Extras
Additional Functions
[ View Settings
Changing default
% S Tools S % S In PIM/Life menu,
Calendar S % S B S Calendar Settings S
% S Default View S % S Select type S %
Jumping to
specified date
% S Tools S % S In PIM/Life menu,
Calendar S % S 8 S Enter date S %
Changing date
7% S Tools S % S In PIM/Life menu,
Calendar S % S See below
By Days of the Week
B S Calendar Settings S % S Set Color S
% S By Week S % S Select day S % S
Select color S %
By Date
Select date S 4 S Select color S %
. Not available in 6Month View.
Resetting "By Date" Colors
B S Calendar Settings S % S Set Color S
% S Reset Color S % S Select option S %
S Yes S %
Selecting task
view option
% S Tools S % S In PIM/Life menu,
Calendar S % S B S Calendar Settings S
% S Tasks View S % S Select option S %
Adding stamps
% S Tools S % S In PIM/Life menu,
Calendar S % S Select date S 2 S
Select stamp S %
Hiding schedules
% S Tools S % S In PIM/Life menu,
Calendar S % S Select date S % S Select
entry S % S % S Secret: S % S On S %
7% S Tools S % S In PIM/Life menu,
Calendar S % S B S Calendar Settings S
% S Set Holiday S % S f Private S See
Adding Holidays
<Empty> S % S Enter name S % S Enter
date S % S Select frequency S % S A
Editing Added Holidays
Select holiday S B S Edit S % S Name: S
% S Enter name S % S Date: S % S Enter
date S % S Select frequency S % S A
% S Tools S % S In PIM/Life menu,
Calendar S % S B S Calendar Settings S
% S Set Holiday S % S f Private or Public
S Select holiday S % (/)