
Handy Extras
Additional Functions
Scan Text
Scanning and
pasting during text
In a text entry window, B S Scan S % S
Scan Text S % S Frame text in center of
Display S % S Select line S % S %
Scanning more
% S Tools S % S f Doc./Rec. S Barcode/
Scan S % S Scan Text S % S Frame text in
center of Display S % S Select line S % S
% S B S Continue Part or Scan More S %
. Select Continue Part to enter additional text or
Scan More to enter text after a line break.
Saving scan results
% S Tools S % S f Doc./Rec. S Barcode/
Scan S % S Scan Text S % S Frame text in
center of Display S % S Select line S % S
% S B S Save S %
Saving linked info
to Phone Book
% S Tools S % S f Doc./Rec. S Barcode/
Scan S % S Scan Text S % S Frame text in
center of Display S % S Select line S % S
% S Select number or mail address S B S
Save to Ph.Book S % S As New Entry S %
S Complete other fields S A
To add to an existing entry, select
As New Detail
Opening saved
scan results
% S Tools S % S f Doc./Rec. S Barcode/
Scan S % S Scanned Results S % S Select
file S %
. Select a file and press B to rename files, open
properties or delete files.
. Some files may not open.
Using linked info
7% S Tools S % S f Doc./Rec. S
Barcode/Scan S % S Scan Text S % S
Frame text in center of Display S % S Select
line S % S % S See below
Dialing Numbers
Select phone number S % S !
Sending Messages
Select mail address S % S Complete
message S A
Accessing Websites
Select URL S %
Pasting to
message text
7% S Tools S % S f Doc./Rec. S
Barcode/Scan S % S Scan Text S % S
Frame text in center of Display S % S Select
line S % S % S B S Send Message S %
S See below
All Text
% S EMail or SMS S % S Complete
message S A
E Mail Composition window opens automatically
depending on character count.
Selected Text
B S Select first character S % S Highlight
text range S % S EMail or SMS S % S
Complete message S A
E Mail Composition window opens automatically
depending on character count.