Brochure for MX-M1056 / MX-M1206

Work your own way.
Your print room is unique, so tailoring how you operate is
essential to ensure maximum flexibility and eiciency.
As you would expect, all of the ‘must have’ features are included as standard in the MX-M1206 and MX-M1056 light production
printers. But we know that every print room is dierent and every business has dierent needs. Thats why we’ve put together a
range of extra-value print production finishing options and upgrades, so you can configure your printer in just the way you need it.
These oer you greater versatility:
Fiery® Server for outstanding quality and eiciency
Paired with the MX-PE16, an industry-leading EFI™ Fiery
external server, the MX-M1206/MX-M1056 become powerful
integrated solutions for managing professional in-house and
busy on-demand printing environments.
This winning combination oers the following
benefits, to name just a few:
Easily manage jobs with Fiery Command WorkStation® fully
integrated at the MFPs touchscreen for unmatched control,
versatile workflows and ease of use
Deliver high impact documents that maintain consistent
results page aer page
Process large, complex jobs at speeds of 120/105 ppm that
will exceed your expectations
An optional touchpad allows you to control an
on-screen mouse.
The MX-PE16 Fiery Server oers high-quality, accurate
output; quickly and eiciently.