8M-B80AX1E Brochure

Native Resolution (Pixels) 7860 x 4320
Diagonal Size (inches/cm) 80 / 203.2
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Viewing angle 176°
Backlight Direct white LED
Display Colours 10 Bit
Colorimetry 7860x4320 ITU709 / ITU-R BT.2020
CIE1976 xy Cover Ratio vs ITU-R BT.2020 82%
HDR: PQ / HLG  / 
Brightness (cd/m²)*
800 (Peak brightness 4000)
Static contrast ratio 3000:1
Response time in ms (grey to grey, avg.) 8
Speaker output power in W 2 x 20 + 30 Subwoofer
8K Input 4 x HDMI (HDCP, 2160p)
Display Control LAN / RS232 Yes / Yes
Operating time (daily hours / weekly days) 16/7
Ambient temperature 0 – 40°C
Heat dissipation (BTU/h) MAX 2474
Operating power consumption in W 725
Standby power consumption in W (W) 0.5
Media Player
USB player for 8K still image JPEG (jpg) (DCF2.0-compliant)2
USB player for 4K video m2ts, mp4, 3gp
Weights and Measures
Product Dimensions without Stand (W/H/D) mm 1810 x 115 x 1055
Product Weight without Stand (Kg) 52
Mounting position Landscape
VESA mounting (mm) 400 x 400
Brightness depends on input mode and other picture settings. Brightness level will decrease slightly over the lifetime of the product. Due to the physical limitations of the equipment, it is not possible to maintain a precisely constant
level of brightness. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. All other brand names and product names may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All trademarks acknowledged. E&OE. Sharp Corporation October 2019. Ref: 20190 8M-B80AX1E 8pp Brochure.