User Manual

Fire & Security Products
Siemens Building Technologies Group
4.3.2 Syntax
EBNF symbols:
. End of sentence
“x” Terminal symbol
{} 0..n repetitions
[] optional part
() precedence
| exclusive OR
‘ ‘ descriptive definition
file = Record{Record}.
Record = Field{“;”Field”} Newline.
Field = “““Text”””.
Newline = ‘Line Delimiter (e.g. DOS: <CR><LF>)’.
Syntax description:
Configfile = Record { Record }.
Record = RecordNr “;” (Record1 | Record2) Newline.
RecordNr = DecNumber.
Record1 = “1” “;” SeqNr “;” StrucNr “;” ParentSeqNr “;” TLSeqNr “;”
CSXLevel “;” Text1 “;” Text2 “;”
DMSSector “;” DMSAdf12 “;” Attribute “;” Layer “;” CSXNumber .
Record2 = “2” “;” SeqNr “;” StrucNr “;” ParentSeqNr “;” TLSeqNr “;”
CSXLevel “;” Text1 “;” Text2 “;”
DMSSector “;” DMSAdf12 “;” Attribute “;” Layer “;” CSXNumber “;”
FPlanNr “;” IntvTxtNr .
SeqNr = DecNumber.
StrucNr = DecNumber.
ParentSeqNr = DecNumber.
TLSeqNr = DecNumber.
CSXLevel = ““SYST”” | ““COMP”” | ““AREA”” | ““SECT”” | ““ZONE”” |
““ELEM”” | ““DBD”” | ““IBD”” | ““CBD”” | ““SIT”” | ““NONE””.
Text1 = TextString.
Text2 = TextString.
DMSSector = ““A”” | ““B”” | ““C”” | ““D”” | ““E”” | ““0”” | ““X””.
DMSAdf12 = HexNumber4.
Attribute = TextString.
Layer = TextString.
CSXNumber = TextString.
FPlanNr = DecNumber.
IntvTxtNr = DecNumber.
Newline = LineDelimiter.
LineDelimiter = ‘End of Line Mark (OS dependent)’
DecNumber = “““DecDigit { DecDigit }”””.
HexNumber4 = “““HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit”””.
DecDigit = “0” | “1” | “2” | “3” | “4” | “5” | “6” | “7” | “8” | “9”.
HexDigit = DecDigit | “A” | “B” | “C” | “D” | “E” | “F”.
TextString = “““{ Letter }”””.
Letter = ‘Printable characters incl. space, characterset depends on
the one used in CC11 (ISO Latin x)’