User Manual

MM8000 localisation overview
Building Technologies 019_DMS_MM8000_Localisation_ Eng_Guide_ MP4.15_A6V10062459_a_en.doc
Fire Safety & Security Products 06.2008
tem Tools ENG.ttk
J MM8000 MP 4.15 ENG.ttk Catalyst data files for MM8000 system texts.
K MM8000 - XML Editor.exe XML editor application. It is used to localise the XML-DB.
Tab.1. Localisation Toolkit files
2.4 Localisation process checklist
Items needed
A PC running Windows 2000 or XP and supporting the language you want to
translate to. On the PC, check the locale setting in:
’Start Æ Control Panel Æ Regional options Æ General tab/Windows locale’.
Administrator username and password for the PC.
The MM8000 MP4.15 CD.
Localisation checklist
1. Log in as Windows administrator.
2. Install MM8000 (refer to document ‘MM8000 Installation, Configuration, and
Commissioning’ and Release Notes).
3. From the MM8000 CD, copy the Localisation Toolkit files on a new folder on the
local disk. Do not use the Toolkit files on a CD-Rom.
4. Install Catalyst (see section 3 at p.12).
5. If you have any previou
s MM8000 Catalyst localisation, restore and update
(leverage) the older texts (see 3.2.2 at p.17).
6. Localise MM
8000 system: in case of first localisation, create a new TTK file
(‘MM8000 MP 3.20 ENG.ttk’ Î ‘MM8000 MP 3.20 XXX.ttk’).
7. Extract MM8000 texts and generate DLL files
(see 3.2.3 at p.17).
8. If you have any previous Catalyst localisation for the Composer models, restore
and update (leverage) the older texts (see 3.2.2 at p.17).
9. Localise Com
poser models: in case of first localisation, create a new TTK file
(‘MM8000 MP4.15 - Subsystem Tools ENG.ttk’ Î ‘MM8000 MP4.15 - Subsys-
tem Tools XXX.ttk’). For Catalyst functions, refer to section 3 at p.12.
10. Extract Com
poser models texts and generate DLL files (see 3.2.3 at p.17).
11. Localise the XML-DB texts (see
section 4 at p.18).
12. C
reate the LANG-xxx.ZIP file (see Tab.1-F at p. 10).
13. Install the lan
guage files (<installation folder>\Utilities\Language installa-
tion\Language installation.exe)
14. Localise the default project (see 5.1 at p. 28).
15. If necessa
ry, localise the Pager and/or SMS character sets (see 6.1 at p.30)
16. Tran
slate the on-line help pages (see 7.1 at p.31).
17. C
reate the LANG-xxx:ZIP file (see Tab.1-F at p. 10).
18. Install the lan
guage files (<installation folder >\Utilities\Language installa-
tion\Language installation.exe)
19. Prepare a new MM8000 project in Composer.
Licensed Catalyst edition is required for exporting texts into DLLs (see 3.1 at p. 12).