User Manual

On-line help files
Building Technologies 019_DMS_MM8000_Localisation_ Eng_Guide_ MP4.15_A6V10062459_a_en.doc
Fire Safety & Security Products 06.2008
7 On-line help files
This section tells you how to localise the on-line help files, a set of compiled HTML
files (CHM) that contain the texts provided to the MM8000 operators when they ask
for help in the main menu or by pressing F1.
Note that no integrated tool is provided for the localisation of help texts and the
procedure requires technical skills adequate to handle HTML file editing and con-
version, as illustrated here below.
7.1 Localisation of MM8000 on-line help
MM8000 help is based on Microsoft HTML Help, the standard help system for the
Windows platform. The MM8000 on-line help files are provided in the localisation
toolkit in the ‘MM8000 Help folder (see Tab.1-C at p. 10).). The list of files that
need to be transl
ated includes (note that other files are present but do not contain
any texts):
# Subfolder Name Contents Type
1 01 Definition Of Terms\EventBar-01\ EventBar-01.chm Analytical index CHM
2 01 Definition Of Terms\EventBar-01\ Default.css Cascading Style Sheet
3 01 Definition Of Terms\EventBar-01\ Index.htm Introduction page HTML
4 01 Definition Of Terms\EventBar-01\ Siemens_color_25.jpg Siemens logo
5 02 Getting To Know\ PlantBrowser-02\ PlantBrowser-02.chm Guide to the system CHM
6 03 Open And Close\EventBar-03\ EventBar-03.chm
Login, Logout, and other
operator tasks
7 04 Procedures\EventBar-04\ EventBar-04.chm Treating an event CHM
8 04 Procedures\PlantBrowser-04\ PlantBrowser-04.chm Browsers operations CHM
In most of the cases, the file format is the compiled HTML (CHM files). In order to
translate the text in this type of files, you need to:
1. Copy the CHM files into a separate working folder.
2. Decompile the CHM files and get the original HTML format.
3. Translate the HTML files and (optionally) replace the pictures.
4. Compile the HTML again and get the CHM format again.
5. Check the translated help system by testing one CHM file at the time.
6. Replace the files into the MM8000 localisation toolkit.
7. Create the ZIP file and install texts in MM8000 (see general process at p.10)
Check the entire help system in MM8000
Step 2, 3, and 4 (de-compilation, translation/editing, and re-compilation) require
specific software utilities. We recommend the following:
Style sheet file for HTML pages in help files (CHM) projects.
Image included in the Index.htm’ page.