User Manual

Migrating from previous releases to MP2.31
Fire & Security Products 008091_a_en MM8000 MP2.31 Release Notes.doc
Siemens Building Technologies Group 02.2004
3.3.1 Migrating localized text from MP2.30 to MP2.31
Referring to the Catalyst translation environment for MM8000 (see 007875
“MM8000 Localisation Guide”), the list below contains the strings that have been
modified in MP2.31 in comparison with MP2.30.
| +---Client
| | AMResource.dll StringTable 1
| | DialerResources.dll =
| | EBRResources.dll StringTable 14, 15, 22
| | ETRepRes.dll StringTable 11
| | ETResources.dll StringTable 1511, 1001
| | EventDescRes.dll =
| | FWResource.dll Menu 100
StringTable 9, 10
| | HBResource.dll StringTable 102, 114, 115, 121, 141, 142, 163
| | MapResources.dll =
| | Mm8InfoRes.dll =
| | NMSBarRes.dll StringTable 1001, 1002, 3001, 3002
Dialog 1141
| | PBResources.dll StringTable 18, 36
| | PointDialogRes…es.dll =
| +---Server
| | CNAPInfoDB_Res.dll =
| | ESRes.dll =
| | HSResource.dll StringTable 104
| | LSResources.dll =
| | NPSRes.dll StringTable 33, 34
| | OPSResources.dll StringTable 9
| | RSResources.dll StringTable 20, 22, 23, 24
| \---Support Tools
| DixieSSBrows...InRes.dll =
+---MM8000 Subsystem Tools
| +---Network
| | | CDINetRes.DLL =
| | | CerbanSplitterRes.DLL =
| | | CerLoopNetworkRes.DLL =
| | | GW20Res.DLL =
| | | GW21Res.DLL =
| | | MK7022Res.DLL =
| | | NK822xRes.DLL StringTable 626, 627
| | \---old
| | NK8223Res.DLL =
| +---Security
| | SecProfSTResources.DLL =
| | UserSTRes.DLL =
| +---Subsystem
| | | BurleRes.DLL New
| | | CC11EP7Res.DLL StringTable - 631
| | | CC11Res.DLL StringTable 626, 631
| | | CC60Res.DLL =