User Manual

Known issues in MP2.31
Fire & Security Products 008091_a_en MM8000 MP2.31 Release Notes.doc
Siemens Building Technologies Group 02.2004
- Depending on the specific configuration and on the PC hardware character-
istics, MM8000 software may use up the memory resources in Windows and
cause the “Low virtual memory” error message to display.
Should that occur, you could adjust the virtual memory size (it actually re-
fers to the size of the paging file where the operating system swaps on disk
the active memory areas). Accessing the Windows menu with Administration
rights, proceed as follows:
Start Settings Control Panel System Advanced tab Perform-
ance Options Virtual memory “change” button.
At this point, in the disk drive list that appear, select the Windows 2000
System disk driver (typically C:) and set the size values as follows:
Client / FEP
Stand-alone / server
Initial size 1000 MB
2000 MB and more (
Maximum size 4095 MB 4095 MB
Initial size may be extended up
to 3000 MB in case low memory
events still occur.