User's Manual

AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V04.00 Page 14 of 238 02.04.2002
2 Standard V.25ter AT Commands
These AT Commands are related to ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunica-
tion sector) V.25ter document.
MC35 supports the registers S0-S29. You can change S0,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S10,S18 by using the
appropriate ATSn commands. All the other registers are read-only and for internal usage only!
2.1 A/ Repeat previous command line
Execute command
Repeats previous command line. Line does not need to end with terminating
After beginning with the character “a“ or „A“, a second character “t“ ,”T“ or “/“
has to follow. In case of using a wrong second character, it is necessary to
start again with character “a“ or “A“.
If autobauding is active (see +IPR, pg. 38) A/ (and a/) cannot be used.
2.2 +++ Switch from data mode or PPP online mode to command mode
Execute command
This command is only available during a CSD call or a GPRS connection. The
+++ character sequence causes the TA to cancel the data flow over the AT in-
terface and switch to command mode. This allows you to enter AT commands
while maintaining the data connection to the remote device or, accordingly, the
GPRS connection.
To prevent the +++ escape sequence from being misinterpreted as data, it must
be preceded and followed by a pause of at least 1000 ms. The +++ characters
must be entered in quick succession, all within 1000 ms.
To return from command mode to data or PPP online mode: Enter ATO as de-
scribed in Chapter 2.17.