Instruction manual

Chapter 12-18 Installation and service
Airmar B744V
Thru-hull triducer
Frequency: 50/200 kHz
Beamwidth: 45° / 1
Cable length: 10m (32’)
Speed, temperature + depth
information. 179-0401-009 (B744V)
Housing: Bronze
Recommended for fiberglass
and wooden hulls.
Do not connect to ECHO2
12.6.2 Determining the position for the transducer
The EQXX is a sophisticated piece of electronic equipment, but how well it
will perform under actual operating conditions will be largely dependent upon
the location of the transducer and how it has been installed.
Careful consideration, therefore, must be given to selecting the mounting loca-
tion and on deciding the method of installation that best suits the vessel.
Air bubbles and turbulence caused by the vessels movement through the water
will seriously degrade the transducer’s performance. Therefore the transducer
should be located well clear of any water intake or discharge line and also
clear of any projection along the hull line which might disturb the smooth flow
of water. It is of profound importance for good performance of the EQXX that
the water flowing over the transducer be free of bubbles and aeration. If the
transducer face is clean but the performance degrades with increasing vessel
speed, then aeration of the water flowing under the transducer may be the
cause of the poor performance.