Quick Start Guide

Autopilot indication on the pages
1 Autopilot indication in Status bar
2 Autopilot pop-up
3 Autopilot tile in Instrument bar
Autopilot mode indication in the Status bar
The Status bar shows autopilot information as long as an autopilot
computer is connected to the network.
Icons are included if the autopilot is passive or locked by another
autopilot control unit.
Autopilot pop up
You control the autopilot from the autopilot pop-up. The pop-up
has a fixed position on the page, and it is available for all pages
except when an Autopilot panel is active.
As long as the autopilot pop-up is active, you cannot operate the
background panel or its menu. You remove the pop-up from a page
by selecting the X in the upper right corner. You turn it on again by
selecting the autopilot tile in the instrument bar.
The following pop-ups are available:
Autopilot | GO7 Getting Started