User guide

Machine basting is very useful for
joining seams for trial fittings, mark
ing construction guide lines, and
basting pleats and hems.
Use tangest stitch possible, setting
stitch length at S. Loosen tension on
upper thread. Choose thread color to
contrast with your fabric so it can be
easily seen.
Basting stitches can be removed
easily by clipping upper thread, then
pulling out lower thread.
Stay stitching prevents stretching and
acts as a guideline for clipping and
joining curved edges. Staystitch any
edge that might stretch during handl
ing before the final stitching.
Staystitch on a single layer of fabric,
always stitching in the direction of
the grain. Place stitches 1/8" away
from seamline in the seam allowance.
Use 12 stitches per inch for most