User guide

Machine Setting É
sible, looking the same on both the
right and wrong sides.
It can be used as a heavy-duty all
purpose stretch stitch. Each zig-zag
stitch œnsists of three threads or
stitches, giving strength and perma
nence. Width of the zig-zag can be
adjusted from narrow to wide.
Use to overcast edges of seams, facings
and hems to prevent raveling and to
keep light weight knits from rolling.
Also suitable for overcasting heavy
fabrics such as woolens anci terrycloth.
Use for attaching elastic. Mark elastic
and garment waistline in fourths.
Place elastic over fabric and pin
together at the markings. Take a few
stitches to anchor elastic to fabric,
then stretch elastic between pins as
you sew.
Can also be used for decorative stitching.