User guide

First, mark the beginning and end of
the buttonhole on fabric with a basting
line or tailor's chalk. Make one on scrap
fabric (following directions below) to be
sure machine adjustments are correct
1. Replace presser foot with buttonhole
foot which is grooved to prevent
piling up of thread. Push sliding
buttonhole foot guide to the rear.
2. Set stitch width at 2 and stitch
length knob near 0.
3. Lower needle carefully into the mark
on fabric indicating the beginning of
buttonhole. Stitch to the mark for
the end of the button hole, (Illustra
tion 1), Stop machine with needle in
fabric at right side of stitching.
4. Lift the presser foot and using the
needle as a pivot, turn the fabric
around end for end.
5. Lower presser foot and turn hand
wheel just enough to raise needle out
of fabric Push sliding buttonhole
foot guide to the rear. Take five or
six stitches to form bar tack (Illus
tration 2).
6. Turn stitch length dial to "0" posi
tion and set zigzag width to & Take
five or six stitches to form bar tack
(Illustration 2).
7. Raise needle out of fabric, reset
stitch width at 2 and return stitch
length near "0".
a Stitch second side of buttonhole,
(Illustration 3)
9. Stiteh bar tack by repeating step 6
above (Illustration 4)
Id Cut the buttonhole opening with the
seam ripper, being careful not to cut
the stitching.
If you plan to make buttonholes on
sheer or soft material, place a stabili
zer or paper, under fabric which can
be torn away after stitching.
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