Installation Guide

Grouting is not necessary for the Portico Slate tiles. If small cracks or seams exist in between the
strips, a non-sanded grout similar in color to the stone can be used to fill the gaps.
To bring your application to its full potential, we suggest sealing. There are various products
available on the market, however, we recommend contacting your nearest tile supplier for the
most appropriate sealer for your application. You can change the look and color of the stones
depending on the sealer you select ranging from color enhancement, to different levels of gloss
finishes, or just leave them natural. Whenever using sealants and acids, please ensure that you
follow the manufacturer’s recommended method of application.
SOLISTONE Portico Slate tiles must be regularly cleaned and maintained to extend the life and
beauty of the tile. The stones can be cleaned with a neutral mild detergent. Consequently, any
spills should be cleaned quickly to lessen the degree of the stain. The porosity or water
absorption in these products varies and therefore staining will occur in different degrees if the
stone is unsealed. Do not use abrasive cleaners, powders, scouring pads, steel wool or sandpaper.