Owner's manual

Ableton Live 8
1. Turn the MIDI switch to “On” in
Bitspeek and turn down Track-
ing to 0%.
2. Create a MIDI track.
3. Assign “MIDI To” to the audio
track that contains Bitspeek.
4. Make sure “MIDI To” is as-
signed to the Bitspeek effect
and nothing else.
Apple Logic Pro 9
1. Turn the MIDI switch to “On” in
Bitspeek and turn down Tracking
to 0%.
2. Create a new instrument track.
3. Click the “I / O” button and se-
lect Bitspeek under MIDI-
controlled Effects.
4. Select your audio track from the
Side Chain menu in the top right
corner of the plug-in window.
5. The sound from the audio track
now passes through the instru-
ment track so mute the output
of the audio track.
Steinberg Cubase 6
1. Turn the MIDI switch to “On” in
Bitspeek and turn down Tracking
to 0%.
2. Create a new MIDI track.
3. Select Bitspeek as MIDI destina-
tion for the new track.
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