Operation Manual

8. Alarm function
With the sonoro elements W, you can be woken up with the radio, iPod or iRadio .
All settings are performed through the alarm settings function, which you can access through
the ALARM button at the top of the device or directly on the remote control. Alternatively, you
can also select the alarm setting function in the setup menu.
All alarm functions can also be set in the stand-by mode of the device.
Set Alarm
Set Time
8.1 Setting the alarm
1. Press the ALARM button on the top of the device for a long time.
2. Select the entry time setting with the UP or DOWN buttons and conrm the selection by
pressing the menu button.
Time Setting
Now shows the current time, and Set shows the desired time.
3. When the hour block is ashing, press the UP or DOWN buttons and set the desired hour.
Conrm your selection by pressing the menu button. The display will change and the minute
block will begin ashing.
4. When the minute block is ashing, press the UP or DOWN buttons and set the desired
minute. Conrm your selection by pressing the menu button.
5. After conrming the selected level, the device automatically returns to the previous menu.
To exit the menu, press the BACK button repeatedly until you have returned to the desired
menu item or wait approx. 10 seconds until the device automatically returns to the start