Modem User Manual

LZT 123 1834 87
10.5 Environmental Specification
Test Case Test Summary Ref Standard
Heat Test
Temp: max storage
Humidity: nominal
Duration: 16 hours
IEC 60068-2-2
Cold Test
Temp: min storage
Duration: 16 hours
IEC 60068-2-1
Temperature Cycling
Temp (low) : min storage
Temp (high) : max storage
2 hrs dwell at each extreme
6 hrs transition between temps
Duration: 5 cycles x 16 hours
(80 hrs total)
IEC 60068-2-14
Thermal Shock Test
Temp (low) : min storage
Temp (high) : max storage
6 min dwell at each extreme
0.5 to 3 min transition
Duration: 30 cycles (Group 2,3)
IEC 60068-2-14
Moist Heat Cyclic Test
Temp (low) : nominal ambient
Temp (high) : max operating
Humidity (high) : 95% ±5% RH
Humidity (low) : 93% ±5% RH
9 hr dwell at each temperature
3 hr transition between temps
Duration: 6 cycles x 24 hours
(144 hrs total)
IEC 60068-2-30
Operational Durability
SIM insertion : 500 cycles
System connector : 10,000 cycles
Flips/Hinges : 1,000 cycles
RF connector : 5,000
1/52 41-FEA 202 8370
Free Fall Test
1m drop height on to concrete
- all sides
- all faces
- all corners
- any extended features
IEC 60068-2-32 Test Ed