user manual

Adding project markers and regions
Several types of project markers are provided that identify parts of your project, serve as cues, and provide additional functionality:
Markers are points that you mark along the project’s timeline. They are typically used to mark locations in the project for later
reference or to mark timing cues.
Regions are ranges of time that you mark along the timeline. Regions identify ranges of time for your reference and can
function as permanent time selections.
CD layout markers are markers that indicate tracks and indexes for an audio CD layout. These marks are used to create tracks
and index points when burning an audio CD.
You can use ripple editing to automatically move markers and regions as you edit in the timeline. For more information, see
Crossfading events on page 39.
Working with markers
Markers are useful for identifying and navigating to specific locations in longer projects. As you place markers in your project, they
are automatically numbered (up to 99) in the order that they are placed. Markers appear as orange tags above the ruler. You may
name them and reposition them along the project’s timeline.
Right-click the marker bar
Marker bar
Inserting a marker at the cursor
Position the cursor where you want to place the marker.
From the Insert menu, choose Marker, or press M.
Type a name for the marker and press Enter. If you do not want to name the marker, simply press Enter.
Inserting a marker during playback
During playback, press M. The marker appears on the marker bar. You can name the marker after it has been set.
Naming (or renaming) a marker
Place the mouse pointer on the marker you want to name or rename. The pointer changes to a hand icon ( ).
Right-click to display a shortcut menu.
From the shortcut menu, choose Rename. A text box opens next to the marker.
Type the marker name.
Press Enter to set the marker’s name.
You can also double-click an existing name or double-click the space just to the right of a marker to rename it.
Moving markers
You can reposition a marker by dragging it on the marker bar.