User Manual

How to Get Tremolator to Sync
Tremolator uses MIDI clock to synchronize with your music.
To sync Tremolator to your tune:
If you are using Pro Tools 6.2 or later simply click on the
‘Midi’ switch on the front panel of Tremolator. If you are
using an earlier version of Pro Tools, you’ll also need to do
the following:
1. Select ‘MIDI Beat Clock’ from the Pro Tools MIDI menu.
2. From the dialog box, make sure ‘enable MIDI Beat Clock
is checked and that Tremolator (and any other SoundToys
plug-in) are also checked. You will need to repeat this step
every time you insert a new Tremolator plug-in.
3. Select ‘OK’ to lock to the Pro Tools tempo and beat
But WAIT! There are still a few things to note
before this will all work. New Pro Tools sessions
always set the default tempo to 120 BPM, and the
downbeat will start at the beginning of the session.
In order for tempo locking to be useful, the down-
beats and tempo of your music needs to line up
with the downbeats and tempo in your Pro Tools
session. If you’ve recorded everything to a click
track within Pro Tools, everything should be cool. If
not, you’ll need to enable the conductor track with-
in Pro Tools and create a tempo map for your song.
Creating a Tempo Map
Enable the conductor track by clicking on the conductor button in the transport win-
dow of Pro Tools. If you don’t see the conductor button on the transport window,
Select Display->Transport Window Shows from the Pro Tools menu. Make sure MIDI
and “Expanded” are both checked.
Create a tempo map by defining bar | beat markers in your song. A simple way to do
this is to select the first measure of your song (very precisely) in the Edit window,