User Manual

Tweak Button
Pressing the Tweak button will open the Tweak menu screen providing access to a
new set of parameters. These controls allow you to alter the rate and depth and pro-
vide additional dynamic modulation controls and capabilities based on the volume of
the incoming signal.
Keep in mind that underlying these controls is an envelope follower that is “watch-
ing” the level of the incoming signal and producing a value based on the changes in
the level of this signal. All of the Tweak controls are referenced to the envelope fol-
lower signal and allow you to alter the tremolo effect in a variety of dynamic ways.
Ok, so we are going a little out of order here but there is a method to this madness.
Before we can really discuss the other controls located here, you first need under-
stand how the Threshold knob works as it affects the responsiveness of the other
knobs. The Threshold control allows you to define a specific level (as in loudness)
that the input must reach before any dynamic processing of the Rate or Depth as set
with the other knobs will be implemented. The scale of the Threshold control is in
standard ‘dB’.
There are two things to keep in mind. 1) As long as the level of the input signal is
above the Threshold level, the modulation of Rate and Depth will be "On" and
activated. As soon as the level of the input signal falls below the Threshold setting,
the modulation is turned "Off" and de-activated. 2) how “far” the input signal goes
above the Threshold setting determines how “deep” the modulation will go (with the
maximum available mod depth being defined by the settings of the other knobs.)
So the Threshold really determines how loud the signal must get before any alter-
ation of the Rate and Depth will start and once the signal passes the Threshold set-
ting how much of the modulation will be used. You will see that the white markings
around the Threshold knob turn red based on the input signal (kind of like a VU
meter), which makes it really easy to see changes in the level of the input signal and
set the Threshold accordingly.