User Manual

INTRO (the one that comes before the sequel!)
About Tremolator
Tremolator is number four in our series of totally cool new plug-ins to come out of
the SoundToys (formerly Wave Mechanics) plug-in development lab. As with
FilterFreak, our analog filtering module, PhaseMistress, our killer analog phase
shifter, Crystallizer, our granular echo and pitch shift box, a truly ridiculous amount of
programming time, head scratching, listening and tweaking has gone into the devel-
opment and design of Tremolator in order to provide you with an incredibly creative,
powerful, tremolo and amplitude modulation device for your Pro Tools rig.
Tremolator is not your grandmother’s tremolo device by any means. Sure, it will do
the standard volume wobble that sounds so cool on guitars, but is goes a lot farther
than that. Tremolator can create some very ring-mod like sounds when you speed it
up into audio range, can create rhythmic amplitude based beats with its built-in and
customizable rhythm generator, it has a ton of modulation types and it can do this all
in sync with MIDI. And as we always say, there is nothing to break, nothing to ruin
and it won’t stain your carpet so you might as well just start digging in and playing
around to see what this puppy can do.
As with all SoundToys devices we have included a whole bunch of really cool presets
(at least we think so) that span the gamut from relatively tame to kind of “out there”.
So for sure take a little time to go through them with different kinds of input material
as it just might create the spark for your next hit record… CD… MP3… DVD… Film…
Game… MUSIC! Right!