User's Manual

LZT 123 7361 R1A
Test command returns lists of memory storage supported by the TA.
<mem1> Description
string type Memory from which messages are read and deleted
(commands List Messages +CMGL, Read Message
+CMGR and Delete Message +CMGD)
“ME” ME message storage
“SM” SIM message storage. Default value
<mem2> Description
string type Memory to which writing and sending operations are
made (commands Send Message from Storage +CMSS
and Write Message to Memory +CMGW)
“ME” ME message storage
“SM” SIM message storage
<mem3> Description
string type Memory to which received SMs are preferred to be stored
(unless forwarded directly to TE). Received CBMs are
always stored in “BM” (or some manufacturer specific
storage) unless directly forwarded to TE
“ME” ME message storage
“SM” SIM message storage
<used1>,<used2>,<used3> Description
integer type Total number of messages currently in
<mem1>, <mem2> and <mem3> respectively
<total1>,<total2> ,<total3> Description
integer type Total number of message locations in
<mem1>, <mem2> and <mem3> respectively