User's Manual

LZT 123 7361 R1A
transmitted during the first 125 milliseconds after transmission of the
termination character are ignored. This is to allow the DTE to append
additional control characters such as line feed after the command line
termination character.
<dial_string> Description
“0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 * # +”
Valid characters for origination
W The W modifier is ignored but is included only for
compatibility purposes
, The comma modifier is ignored but is included only for
compatibility purposes
T The T modifier is ignored but is included only for
compatibility purposes
P The P modifier is ignored but is included only for
compatibility purposes
<Final Result
CONNECT If connection is successfully established, only valid for data
If connection is successfully established, only valid for data
NO CARRIER Unable to establish a connection or the connection
attempt was aborted by the user
ERROR An unexpected error occurred while trying to establish the
NO DIALTONE The mobile phone is being used for a voice call or is not
within coverage of the network
BUSY The phone number called is engaged, valid for data and
voice connections
OK Only valid for voice connections
<text> Description
19200 Connected with data bit rate of 19200 bits/s (HSCSD)
9600 Connected with data bit rate of 9600 bits/s
4800 Connected with data bit rate of 4800 bits/s
2400 Connected with data bit rate of 2400 bits/s