
3_5 How to open the cabinet door and
coven on the gene_tor.
t Always open the generator cabinet door
and inspect the engine prior to sta_ing
the generator. To do this, simply turn the
lever counterclockwise and raise the
2_ Loosen the wing nu_ on the air cleaner
and inspect the cieaner.
3. Open the wing nut on the cover and
inspect the nozzle cover,
remove the protective
3,6 Breaking in your new generator
The first 20 hours of operation are required to property seat your generator's
operating parts_ During this period, the fo}Iowing steps _ be taken:
, During the {nffiai operation, run the generator at a _ow speed with nothing
p;ugged in for a minimum of five m_nutes.
Avoid app]ying any heavy demands to the unit during the break-in period,
Matrix recommends that the engine be operated at 3_000 RPM w_h no more
than a 50% ioad for the first 20 hours of operation.
Change the lube oi_ a_er 20 hours of initia_ operation or at the end of the first
month,then eve_ three months or 100 hours thereafter