
8. Periodic Maintenance and Testing
Periodic inspections and service are very important for maintaining your
generator's engine in proper working order. The fol!owing chart indicates your
inspection and _rvice frequency. Please keep this chart handy and refer to it as
Turn off the engine before performing any servfce. If the engine mum be in
operation, only do so in a wetl ventilated area as the exhaust contains
carbon monoxide which can be fatal
After the generator has been operated_ remove all dirt and sediments from
the outside cover to prevent corrosion_
Check and refill fuel oil
Drain out fuei oil
;beckandrefill engineoil
Check for o_Ileakage
Check and _ghtenfastem
Repiace engine oii
Ciean engine oi_liter
Replace air c{eaner
Clean fuel oil filter
Check fuel iniectioa pump
Check nozzle
Check fue_ pipe
Adjustclearance of in_ke/
exhaust valves
Replace piston ring
Check _ttery elect_o_4e
3_#, carbo_brush_ndsl_ptin#
Check insuJationtesistan_
ime) ISeeodt e}
(Service more frequently when
used in dusty areas)
Every month
sixth monthI Lve_ yearo_1
or 500 Hrs I 1000H_s
_ls [ __
Note:" (3" indicates that special tools are required, please contact with agent,