
8,7 Checking refilling and charging the batte_
Your diesei generator uses a 12V
battery for starting. Through use, the
batte_ may naturaity lose some of its
charge along with the distilled water
inside. Before starting your generator_
periodically check for physical damage
to the batte_ and also the fluid levels, ff
the batte_ is damage, replace it if the
fluid levels are Bow,fill each cell with distilIed water as needed. Never use well or
tap water as they contain minerals that will harm your battery and shorten its life_
,, Batteries contain sulfuric acid which can burn your eyes and skin. Whenever
working with a battery, protect your eyes and skin from exposure to the acid.
In case of contact with any acid immediately thoroughly flush the affected
area with clean cold water and seek prompt medical attention.
, Batteries also generate hydrogen gas which can be extremely explosive. Do
not smoke or allow flames near a battery especia#y while in a charging
mode Always charge batteries in a fully ventilated are&
8,8 Inspecting the carbon brush and slip nng. Periodically check the
generators carbon brush and siip ring and readjust ifthere isa spark°